Eat sleep rhyme repeat,
Eat sleep rhyme repeat,
Eat sin lie repeat,
Eat sin lie repeat,
“I see the lies you reap
Might be the day I retreat!
I'm sorry I hurt you, I'm sorry I hurt you,
I didn't mean too, I don't want to hurt you
It's not you it's just me, that’s not what it seems,
I don't want to lose you, but I don't want to hurt you,
Promise you won't leave me, but I'm sorry I'll hurt you,
It's not what it seems, will you wait for me please?
Give me some space, I'll get back to your case
How is it a case? My vibe was just left on read
The pressure's intense, from all these pretense
Nothing changes, nothing's new
That's all that they ever do
I'm sorry I didn't mean to, but I end up hurting you
Fitting in, big problem!
No wonder you're always talking in your mind alone
You're not vibing, you're just soft
Too boring, the explanation is that short
Mutuality never existed in my vocabulary
'I'm sorry I hurt you, I'm sorry I hurt you,'
'But it's not like that, I still love you,'
'I hurt you, I hurt you'
'I'm sorry for everything, and I lied too'
What's funny? Funny is becoming Oxygen today,
Tomorrow you're just another inert over there, but that's
Abnormal is what sails this boat today,
Hardly any crew, call it the S.S Nice boat
The waters aren't friendly, just when you thought,
The hard waves of reality will drown me
But I hope one day they see what I see,
A prodigy, a loving me
A guy at the corner with some honesty,
'I'm sorry I hurt you, I'm sorry I hurt you,'
Words I keep hearing, I'm kind of used to,
'I'm sorry, I'm sorry'
Am I that bad? Don't comfort me.
The pain of pretending, pain of lying,
Unbearable...unsung destruction
Treated like an unfinished construction,
'I'm sorry I hurt you, I'm sorry I hurt you'
No, I'm sorry too
Too nice for you, too caring for you, too emotional for you
I don't fit in, I never do....what can I do?
Truthful to some but yet I have no clue,
That it's not a genuine vibe, they just don't know what to do
When you kill them with kindness,
A professional killer, always the nicest,
Isn't that what is needed? Isn't that what is pleaded,
Who makes these rules? I'm exhausted and beaten,
Same story different person,
Different person same curve, son!
"Promise you'll never leave me, wait for me, forever
for real, I choose you to be, you're mine, I'm liking you everyday"
Book of clichés call it Bíblico de la cap!
'Sorry I hurt you, sorry I didn't mean to'
This all sounds like "I just tricked you"
Nice guys finish last, get it tatted like it's your work of
That's it love. I’m done..."
This guy never learns, Jake never learns, He always never
Glad I’m not like him
Eat sleep lie repeat
Eat sleep lie repeat
Eat sin lie repeat
Eat deceit clown repeat!
Jake touched a nerve? (laughs in Uppercase)
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