So through out this journey, what really matters? What really satisfies the soul? Is it money? Is it success? Is it beauty? Good luck? Hard to tell to be honest. I'm still too young to understand everything. But just take each day as it comes. The lessons as they come whether harsh or gentle. The painful it is the better the lesson. Count your losses and change them to lessons and take the lessons and turn them into leverage to get your wins. I've been thinking, should the bad stuff keep you from searching for what you want? I really think that's not a way to satisfy your soul. Keep searching because everyday is a new experience. I know sometimes things get the best of us anger, sadness, greed, jealousy or lust and temptation. It's okay. You got this, work on it. It's a whole space to improve, a room is too small. The old me always took every words from other seriously, to listen to people. Especially the energy draining type of people. The disrespectful opinions. Walk away immediately. Everyone is just bitter about something or sometimes bitter about everything. That's their own problem and it's alright. It's okay to have opinions, but don't give in. Every guy should practice opening up. Speak up! The reverse abuse is building up everyday. No one is speaking up? The pride will choke your soul. Speak up. So many are being destroyed by everything going around them, because they are too scared to speak up. Is it because of the embarrassment? The toxic masculinity narrative? The stigmatisation by both other females and males? It's okay to be vulnerable, it's what makes up human. Release the baggage of your rock hard emotions and heal. The first step to a fresh start is by destroying the thought that made you weak. Creating awareness to mental health should be considered a priority. Educate the boomers who aren't aware of such. Make a stand, make noise let them know what's really happening. It should be protect the young at all cost, they are the future. Let them dream, let them hope. Give them a chance, stop judging stop being hypocritical about it. Never stop dreaming, never look back. Give love a chance. The narrative of no love is a phase which will soon end. Because the hope is still kept alive the hope is still manifesting in all different ways. You'll find who you're looking for and that's for sure. Take the experiences that didn't work out as experience to know what will work out for you. 

Purple, why was the colour chosen.The colour purple symbolizes royalty, grandeur, independence, wisdom, devotion, extravagance, pride, and creativity. Let purple be your desire!


           Purple Haze.

             An album written by:Wayne the poet

             Edited by: Wayne the poet




            All Rights Reserved.


  1. Great, sensational. A moving piece. It has the feeling of coming straight from the heart of an artist.

  2. Couldn't be put any better💯

  3. This is so intense...its helping me become more open to change ..thank you❤️

    1. Change is open to everyone...Never fear it.I'm glad my writing helped.


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